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Beyond Billables

Sep 28, 2021

Rap music, horror movies, slow drip coffee and equity disputes - what do they all have in common? The one and only lawyer and host of Coffee and a Case Note, James d’Apice!

James is a Special Counsel at Chamberlains with a practice that straddles commercial and litigation work. As well as being a great lawyer James has built a strong personal brand in the last few years by leveraging the power of great content. Whether you have come across James on LinkedIn, Instagram or Tik Tok, his passion for the law and for sharing the journey is unrivalled. James not only makes valuable things, but he does it with a consistency that is truly impressive driven by an impressive long term strategy. 

On the show, we spoke about all of this and had a great discussion around what we can do to improve the profession now and in the future. James is a passionate advocate for change so it was great to get his insight into what we can do right now and the role we can all play.