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Beyond Billables

Nov 10, 2017

Meet Janelle Kerrisk. After establishing a successful career as a construction lawyer and partner with Holding Redlich, Janelle struck out on her own co-founding, and ultimately becoming the director, of Helix Legal. She left her comfort zone, rode the entrepreneurial roller coaster and came out the other side unscathed.

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The result is the formation of a new law firm that has done away with the billable hour, implemented innovative project management approaches and has a culture that values happiness (imagine that!). The thing that came through loud and clear in our conversation with Janelle is that this string of events has led her to be more excited and fulfilled in her career than ever before.

Janelle is also mother to twins, has dealt with caring for sick family members and sat on the board of the National Association of Women in Construction; so, she’s someone well-versed in the importance of finding a way to balance life and work. Our chat was inspiring and eye-opening from start to finish.

Other topics covered in this episode:

  • Why the phrase ‘work-life balance’ is a false dichotomy
  • How technological tools are shifting the workload within a law firm
  • The genesis of Helix Legal
  • Why being happy and working in the law are not mutually exclusive
  • Janelle’s advice to her younger self
  • The value of a co-working space with an open floor plan
  • How social media has affected Helix Legal
  • The way law firms value people internally is changing
  • The biggest risk Janelle ever took


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