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Beyond Billables

Aug 22, 2019

Today on the show I had a great pleasure of welcoming Sacha Kirk, co-founder and CMO of Lawcadia.  

In her role Sacha draws on over 15 years experience in marketing, brand strategy, innovation and professional consulting experience in Australia and the UK. Lawcadia is a legal technology company with a web-based...

Aug 15, 2019

On the Insight show today we cover quite some ground! 

In part one I chat about carving out time to do more stuff you love and give some tips on small changes that can make a big difference. It is a struggle as a busy professional but super important to find even small chunks of time for your own pursuits to make sure...

Aug 5, 2019

Today on the show I had the privilege of interviewing Wes Young, lawyer, proud father and Co-Founder of Legally Yours. Wes has a super interesting story which took him from journalism to law and shares his motivations for each step along the way. Wes has worked with some of the best known corporates and corporate...