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Beyond Billables

Mar 19, 2018

If you’re one of the many lawyers who finds themselves in a funk, disillusioned or unhappy in their work, then this is an episode that’s not to be missed. In this instalment of the Beyond Billables podcast, we spoke with Legalite founder and principal lawyer, Marianne Marchesi, about courage, perspective and forward-thinking in the legal industry.

Marianne’s experience at large law firms right through to a boutique firm has exposed her to a wide range of clients in various industries – including food and hospitality, fitness, retail, entertainment, pharmacy and real estate.

Marianne is a shining example of how, with a little persistence, you can carve out a niche for yourself within the law. Our chat traced her career, struggles, entrepreneurial journey, lessons to her younger self, and how she thinks about marketing and living the good life.

Listen to the full episode to hear all of the above, plus all of this too:

  • Why Marianne left the law for a year
  • How to summon the courage to launch your own firm
  • How Legalite does things differently
  • How Legalite keeps their overheads low
  • The challenges of being a lawyer and running a business
  • The future of new law models
  • How Legalite views marketing from a different perspective
  • Why people struggle to get their heads around new law firms
  • How Marianne approaches work-life integration
  • What transcendental meditation has meant to Marianne
  • The future of Legalite


